Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's Only Charming at the Beginning

So I've finally arrived in Bolivia, all good on the trip down, and thankfully all my suitcases arrived on time and in tact :) Of course little surprises are common here, so when I booted up my cell for the first time since last year, I thought all I needed was a phone card (about 3$ for a week's worth of minutes) instead I was greeted with the message: SIM card not registered. What? Why? Now what do I do?

Here in Bolivia the legislative system is ironically efficient, presidential decrees come into effect virtually overnight. Thus, expats such as myself are forever trying to stay abreast of the newest rules we need to follow. Last year, they created a law that meant everyone in Bolivia had to register their cell phone to work, then apparently after my departure they realized that many tourists would buy cheap phones, set them up and then leave, meaning all those numbers were wasted. Thus, a new law was put in place that de-activates your phone after 6 months of inactivity.

No worries right, just go to the Entel office and re-register my phone. Unfortunately, since I got here on a Monday morning by the time I slept off my jet-lag and the altitude the office was closed by the time I hiked my way huffing and puffing to the office (only about 3 blocks uphill from the hotel, but you try it at 3400m!). Of course, everything shuts down on Sundays, so no phone till Monday, assuming they don't hassle me to reregister it. Hopefully all goes well and I get to keep my number!


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